Education through Simplification

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What type of relationship is it?

In Islam, if a woman feeds a child milk from herself, even if it be a few drops, she is now counted as the mother of that child. Obviously, the biological mother has the greatest rank but this ‘foster/milk’ mother is too a mother and receives the rank and respect of a mother.

Also, legally the rules of relationship apply that apply with biological mothers. This woman and her husband are now like the child’s parents, so Hijaab from them will not apply. Their children are counted as the child’s siblings. Therefore, the child cannot marry any of them when he/she grows up. Also, if two unrelated children are fed milk by an unrelated woman, they too become ‘foster/milk’ siblings. The rules are extensive.

Who were the Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم’s relatives?

The Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم did not have any biological siblings but many ‘foster/milk’ siblings.

Anisah, Sheema and Abdullah were the children of Haleema; his foster mother.

Masrooh was the son of Thuwaybah; a woman who fed him in the beginning few weeks, after his mother and before Haleema.

Besides that, Thuwaybah also fed Abu Salamah and Abu Sufyan [son of Haarith], who were the Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم’s cousins. She also fed Hamza who was the Prophet’s uncle. All four were close in age.

Haleemah also fed Hamza; the Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم’s uncle for a short time. Besides that, Allah Ta’ala knows best.

Did you know?

Isn’t it amazing how all or most of the Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم ’s foster mothers and siblings became Muslim, SubhaanAllah?

The one in pink is highlighted because she is his biological mother. The purple names on the 2nd chart are linked to Haleema from the 1st chart. Not all of them are her biological children. The blue names on the 2nd chart are linked to Thuwaybah on the 1st chart. Only Masrooh is her biological child. May Allah be pleased with all of them. Aameen.


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